Roland Stevenson

Roland Wilhelm Vermehren Stevenson (August 15h, 1932) is a Chilean researcher, explorer and artist who now lives in Manaus, Brazil. His father was German and his mother American. He grew up among the cold mountains of the Andes, showing an artist and adventurous spirit since his childhood. In 1964 came with his family to Brazil, where has been living ever since.
Roland Stevenson publisheed books and have created many wonderful paintings, always showing the beauty of the Amazon Rainforest and its natives.
He spent many years of his life studying the mysteries of the Eldorado (finding the location of the extincted lake Parime as shown at the book "A Light on Amazonian Misteries") and the origin of the primitive men of the Americas, presenting a new theory linking all natives in South and North America to the primitive Asian indigenous (at the book "Rethinking Our Pre History"). Also a descendant of Johannes Vermeer, whose his last name "Vermehren" came from.

Self Portrait


A Light on Amazonian Misteries
Rethinking Our Pre History



Brazilian Awards
